This past week God has really given our team time to slow down. With school and Acorn being canceled Tuesday and Wednesday (which means mostly everything else is closed in the town) we had a lot of time on our hands. Having this time off I took a lot of the time to reflect on my time here and all that God has taught me since coming here and all the amazing people he has put in my life. Pastor John and Jethe are great people who truly have servant hearts and I have learned a lot from my conversations with them. The Fisher family members are all totally on fire for God and I really admire that in all of them. Jen has such great work ethic and trusts God with what she is doing with the Black Pants Project and I have learned a lot from her. The Jungs are great people to know around here and Amanda and I get along so well, I am truly blessed to know them. Jim has so much knowledge about the bible, I am just in awe when I hear him speak about it. All of the ladies at Acorn are really great ladies and I love going there every Wednesday to see them all. The Douglas students have really helped me to see that it doesn't matter what people think of you all that matters is that you are happy with yourself. The Fishgate and TWIGS kids have really been awesome getting to know and I hope that I can continue to pour into them. Hilda and Ronnie are great ladies who love the Lord with all of their heart, I am so blessed to know both of them.
Now to the people who have really taught me the most and I am very blessed to have met and get to share life with, my team. They have taught me more than they will ever know and I am so glad that God has put us together as a team! I know that when I leave here I will have three very good friends that I can call whenever and it is a blessing to know that!
Im guessing most of you don’t know a lot of these amazing people, so here are a few pictures that I have of them. Sadly I don’t have a picture of all of them.


Jono with Hilda

Ladies at Acorn

Group of kids from Fishgate
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