I feel that lately what I am going to do after my Greaterworks year and Youthworks summer is up. I have been looking on some sights like Youth Specialties, Church Staffing, and Idealist to see what is available out there now that I could really see myself doing. When my "boss" Amanda came I talked to her about being worried and we talked about it and it made me feel better and so I stopped worrying about it as much. Then, soon after that I pretty much got a job offer from the Salvation Army for a full time position here in Monessen. It is pretty tempting to want to jump and be sure I have a job. It just scares me that maybe it is not what I am suppose to be doing. I was talking to my roommate Bryan about it and he said something really interesting- "Whatever you do as long as your serving God, even if it wasn't what you were suppose to be doing, He will work through you wherever you end up." It's just crazy that I could be in Monessen longer than expect.
It's so interesting the way God works in your life and put twist and turn in there and you just have to trust in Him to continue leading you through life. I just pray that I will listen to Him, hold on tight and go where he send me.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Praise Him through everything
Today there was a lady who came into the Salvation Army who was having some problems with paying her bills on time and she was recently separated from her Husband. She was really struggling with not being able to provide with her family, but she kept saying "Praise god through the struggles" and "I'm not asking why God because why not" and just things that were so encouraging to hear. She knew that she was going through some tough times, but she was still praising God and knew that God wouldn't give her what she couldn't handle. It was such a blessing to see that and the attitude she had.
I find myself being so negative sometimes when I think things are not going well. To often I ask why God or get so frustrated when I am so fortunate and blessed and that no matter what I should praise God!
I find myself being so negative sometimes when I think things are not going well. To often I ask why God or get so frustrated when I am so fortunate and blessed and that no matter what I should praise God!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
God never ceases to amaze me
God never ceases to amaze me and show me awesome opportunities to serve him here. Even though I have my regular schedule in the day, which I can so often just go through the motions of the day and let the days pass me by. But when I really sit down and think about the week and what God has done in that week it blows me away. Just the compassion I see the people at the Salvation Army have for the people of Monessen and wanting to help them in any way they can, I hope that I can learn something from them and take that with me.
I also got the opportunity to spend some more time with the Jungs, the Captains at the Salvation Army, this week and get to know them on a more personal level. It has been great hanging out with them. They have really welcomed me in and made me feel so welcome. Just last night I got to spend the night with some of the youth that go to church at the Salvation Army and it was such a blast being able to hang out and get to know them more and really poor into them and see what God is doing in their lives.
Also looking back at the relationships I have made, I know it is going to be so hard to leave here and not miss the people I have made such strong connections with. (But I also had that struggle this summer.) When I think about it though, I’m sure it wasn’t easy for Jesus to go into a place get to know someone and help them and then move on. I think if it didn’t affect us we would have a problem, but that is part of working in ministry, you go where God leads you, even if it’s hard.
One cool thing that we got to do today was go up to Pittsburgh and meet up with Ben and Eric from Youthworks and attend the last session of the Jubilee conference that they were working at with them. We are so lucky here in Monessen to have Pittsburgh so close and have some pretty cool opportunities. It was really cool to get to know Ben and Eric a little more and to be able to hang out with them. We went to Primanti Brothers for lunch and had some “real” Pittsburgh food.
He told them, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.
- Luke 10:2
I also got the opportunity to spend some more time with the Jungs, the Captains at the Salvation Army, this week and get to know them on a more personal level. It has been great hanging out with them. They have really welcomed me in and made me feel so welcome. Just last night I got to spend the night with some of the youth that go to church at the Salvation Army and it was such a blast being able to hang out and get to know them more and really poor into them and see what God is doing in their lives.
Also looking back at the relationships I have made, I know it is going to be so hard to leave here and not miss the people I have made such strong connections with. (But I also had that struggle this summer.) When I think about it though, I’m sure it wasn’t easy for Jesus to go into a place get to know someone and help them and then move on. I think if it didn’t affect us we would have a problem, but that is part of working in ministry, you go where God leads you, even if it’s hard.
One cool thing that we got to do today was go up to Pittsburgh and meet up with Ben and Eric from Youthworks and attend the last session of the Jubilee conference that they were working at with them. We are so lucky here in Monessen to have Pittsburgh so close and have some pretty cool opportunities. It was really cool to get to know Ben and Eric a little more and to be able to hang out with them. We went to Primanti Brothers for lunch and had some “real” Pittsburgh food.
He told them, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.
- Luke 10:2
So this week has been interesting. It started off normal, but as time went on this week I kept getting more and more homesick. I don’t know what it is, but I really miss my friends and family back home and at school and wish I could see them and hang out. I think the stress of things in our group and all the stuff I still have to do for my paper and working on the grant I want to get done its just getting stressful and I am missing my mom and dad.
I also get to thinking about the summer and talking to my friends about weddings and knowing that I will miss every one of them except for the one I have in May, which I know is worth it for the awesome experiences I get, but just thinking about the not being able to see my friends get married makes me sad.
I hope that this passes soon….
I also get to thinking about the summer and talking to my friends about weddings and knowing that I will miss every one of them except for the one I have in May, which I know is worth it for the awesome experiences I get, but just thinking about the not being able to see my friends get married makes me sad.
I hope that this passes soon….
Saturday, February 7, 2009
The best Valentines Day gift!
I have found the best Valentines Day gift you can give!
Friday, February 6, 2009
Am I doing enough?
I am reading this book called Under the Overpass and it's about these 2 guys who choose to be homeless for 5 months in 6 different cities. They live only off of what they make from panhandling.
From reading this book it gets me so fired up when I hear them talk about churches that they went to and that the people stared and didn't welcome them or were even rude to them. In one of the cities there was a sign on a church that said no loitering, church business only. How do you loiter at a church, we should be welcoming in people that are around, not trying to keep them out. Then in another city they went to a church and before the service one of them went back and asked the pastor if they could get some food after the service and the pastor said "that's not what we do here, we worship, we can't confuse our priorities." How can a church who loves God and follows Jesus's example not help out the needy.
The sad thing is out of all of the towns there was only one church that offered to help them, gave them food money, and new sandles and this was a church for the homeless people.
I hate when I read things like this and would really love to do something about it. I just pray that if someone were to walk into the church that I attend, no matter what they looked like I would be welcoming and willing to help in anyway I could. I know from experiences of moving a lot in the past year and not really having a home church that it doesn't make you feel very welcomed at a church when no one will talk to you. I really hope that the I can keep myself in check and really reach out to the people who need it.
From reading this book it gets me so fired up when I hear them talk about churches that they went to and that the people stared and didn't welcome them or were even rude to them. In one of the cities there was a sign on a church that said no loitering, church business only. How do you loiter at a church, we should be welcoming in people that are around, not trying to keep them out. Then in another city they went to a church and before the service one of them went back and asked the pastor if they could get some food after the service and the pastor said "that's not what we do here, we worship, we can't confuse our priorities." How can a church who loves God and follows Jesus's example not help out the needy.
The sad thing is out of all of the towns there was only one church that offered to help them, gave them food money, and new sandles and this was a church for the homeless people.
I hate when I read things like this and would really love to do something about it. I just pray that if someone were to walk into the church that I attend, no matter what they looked like I would be welcoming and willing to help in anyway I could. I know from experiences of moving a lot in the past year and not really having a home church that it doesn't make you feel very welcomed at a church when no one will talk to you. I really hope that the I can keep myself in check and really reach out to the people who need it.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Many Blessing
This past week God has really given our team time to slow down. With school and Acorn being canceled Tuesday and Wednesday (which means mostly everything else is closed in the town) we had a lot of time on our hands. Having this time off I took a lot of the time to reflect on my time here and all that God has taught me since coming here and all the amazing people he has put in my life. Pastor John and Jethe are great people who truly have servant hearts and I have learned a lot from my conversations with them. The Fisher family members are all totally on fire for God and I really admire that in all of them. Jen has such great work ethic and trusts God with what she is doing with the Black Pants Project and I have learned a lot from her. The Jungs are great people to know around here and Amanda and I get along so well, I am truly blessed to know them. Jim has so much knowledge about the bible, I am just in awe when I hear him speak about it. All of the ladies at Acorn are really great ladies and I love going there every Wednesday to see them all. The Douglas students have really helped me to see that it doesn't matter what people think of you all that matters is that you are happy with yourself. The Fishgate and TWIGS kids have really been awesome getting to know and I hope that I can continue to pour into them. Hilda and Ronnie are great ladies who love the Lord with all of their heart, I am so blessed to know both of them.
Now to the people who have really taught me the most and I am very blessed to have met and get to share life with, my team. They have taught me more than they will ever know and I am so glad that God has put us together as a team! I know that when I leave here I will have three very good friends that I can call whenever and it is a blessing to know that!
Im guessing most of you don’t know a lot of these amazing people, so here are a few pictures that I have of them. Sadly I don’t have a picture of all of them.


Jono with Hilda

Ladies at Acorn

Group of kids from Fishgate
Now to the people who have really taught me the most and I am very blessed to have met and get to share life with, my team. They have taught me more than they will ever know and I am so glad that God has put us together as a team! I know that when I leave here I will have three very good friends that I can call whenever and it is a blessing to know that!
Im guessing most of you don’t know a lot of these amazing people, so here are a few pictures that I have of them. Sadly I don’t have a picture of all of them.
Jono with Hilda
Ladies at Acorn

Group of kids from Fishgate
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